Do NOT run these downloaded EXE from your Internet browser. Put them in the GPSS folder then run from file Explorer to add the files.
Some UK mapping is already included in the GPSS Baseline, downloaded by all users - wherever you are in the World.
download which self-extracts into a much bigger
GPSS.WAW with 218 supporting WAV files, to support
spoken description of position and Ctrl-A Reports within the UK.
This was updated in August 2006 to make it faster on the
Pocket PC (UK grids changed to lat/lons).
Here is UK99MAPS.EXE which self-extracts into
41 maps, each nearly 99 miles across, covering All UK.
The maps are not as detailed as many, but show major
towns and roads, together with information 'spoken' by
GPSS for many years: petrol stations, eating places -
such as 'Little Chef' and 'Happy Eater' sites, and Interesting
Places such as National Trust and English Heritage sites.
SPEEDUK.EXE below provides speed trap warning data for the UK.
See the speed page for details,
including how to update with the very latest data from www.PocketGPSWorld.com.
UKSOUNDS.EXE below, includes 186 WAV file sounds from the original 1995 'full product'
which were stripped from the GPSS Baseline to save space. They include
support for less common categories of place.
Most people in the UK using GPSS download UKWAW and UK99MAPS
above, then visit the
AutoRoute/Trips page, download ARED, and make
GPSS-compatible street level mapping from Microsoft CDs. You may also find out how to create your own mapping
for GPSS by visiting the
addmaps page - including using free aerial photos from
Getmapping (picture on right), or google earth via the
Here is alternative mapping to the '99 mile' maps above.
These are the '100 mile' maps, produced in collaboration with
ESR Cartography
when GPSS was first launched in the UK in 1995. They are available
as three floppy-disk-sized downloads, for Scotland, the North,
and the South of England. If you load both '99' and '100' mile maps,
you will need to zoom out (Z key) to see the '100 mile' maps.
Some of you may wish to use GPSS with low cost street level mapping. One of the better solutions is Microsoft AutoRoute Express 2000 using the ARED Driver explained on our AutoRoute Page
Here is the mapping download which provides the Virginia Water Royal Lake map to support the GEOCACHE page. A demonstration is in VWATER.NME
The information below has been on this page for some time.
We assume you are already running the 4.7 baseline copy of GPSS, or a later issue, downloaded off this site.
We suggest you at least run GPSS 'on the desk', to check it is working, before
you then download the London Street Plan sample, by clicking on the link below.
As for most downloads, the self-extracting file should be downloaded into
the C:\GPSS04 directory, with the other GPSS software, and run to extract the files.
IMPORTANT : You will also need to create a new directory C:\5KSAMPLE and
copy or move the four BMP files into it. All other files should remain in C:\GPSS04.
To run the demonstration 'on the desk', hit Control-A, then double click on 5KSAMPLE.NME followed by REPLAY. To use it 'on the road' - just go there with your GPS and PC running GPSS :-)
The sample chosen is on the south-western outskirts of London - or as GPSS may say "we are 19 miles west of London and 1.1 miles east of Virginia Water". The sample extends over an area of 5 km x 5 km, with the Chobham 'Tank Factory' Defence Establishment in the south-west corner at SU975650, and Thorpe Industrial Park in the north-east corner at TQ025700. The A30 and Virginia Water lake lies in the north-west corner and the village near the centre. The main M25/M3 junction is in this area.
This street plan mapping is in one of the 'tiled' formats supported by later versions of the GPSS software. A good 486 with at least 8MB RAM is the minimum performance needed to handle this data. GPSS can be configured to pan the map continuously under the car position - so the car remains in the centre. To see this, edit GPSSTILE.CFG and change the parameter to 1. This is the distance that the car moves before the map is automatically re-centred. Examination of the 4 BMP files will show that each is 1000 x 1000 pixels, and covers an area of 2.5 km x 2.5 km i.e. 2.5m per pixel. The name of the BMP file is based upon the UK grid reference. i.e. 49751650.BMP has its south-west corner at SU975650. The coverage of the a rectangular patch of tiles is described in a single DES file, 5KSAMPLE.DES.
For more information about the Bartholomew 1:5,000 street plan mapping, you may contact Duncan Pickering at Bartholomew on tel. 01242 258134 fax. 01242 222725. You may also contact Robin Lovelock, of course. Note that the mapping must be in the above format to work with GPSS.
John Seymour has over 5000 GPS waypoints for UK on his
Waypoint Website
- which can be converted to GPSS GTX format by use of WPT2GTX.EXE
This CD-ROM is one of the lowest cost available (Robin purchased his copy at 30 GBP inc VAT, and free copies were given away on Nov 98 PCW). It includes good mapping of the UK down to 1:250,000 (road atlas) detail. This will run under both Windows 95 and other Windows systems such as 3.1 or 3.11. The CD-ROM was produced by Attica Interactive Ltd, using Ordnance Survey copyright data.
You will find it a simple process to import maps into GPSS from this CD :
200m error : we recently found an error of about 200m, in the north south direction,
displayed by the product. This was discovered using GPS, but then confirmed
by comparing grid readouts with O.S. Landranger 1:50,000 paper maps. We understand the error was on the source 'Strategy' data supplied from O.S. to Attica. But the solution is simple : simply apply the 200m correction
when you enter the grid locations. You must add 200m to the northing.
e.g. SU983686 displayed by the Attica software should be entered as SU983688.
e.g. SU983689 should be entered as SU983691.
Pointing on the map within GPSS, or tracking something with GPS, should then be more accurate.
These 3 maps and 23 sounds cover the Channel Island region, and are for use
by Colin de Conte, his friends, and anyone else with GPS in the area. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DATA STILL HAS IMPORTANT INFORMATION MISSING - such as rocks - and so should not be relied on for safe navigation at sea. A desktop demonstration is available under Control-A CHANNELI.NME REPLAY, and it will work for real with GPS.
CHANNELI.GTX can be copied to GPSS.GTX and $LPOP.GTX. It holds the locations of 3085 population centres in the region, accurate to about 1 mile - but the names of places in the Channel Islands are those appearing in the US Govt data source - not in UK use.