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from Robin Lovelock in Sunninghill:
A brilliant 2024 Christmas Newsletter arrived from Steve & Kay Markham, on Saturday 7th December 2024,
while I was still working on ours for 2024 - and it reminded me how much good stuff about Steve has
been on my public pages for years. Why not gather it onto this new "Steve Markham" page ?
He and Kay can obviously suggest "tweaks" to the old material - but - MUCH more important,
give me the OK - if they wish - to material such as their newsletters, or links to their online pages ? :-)
I'll start with material from my Family page, chopping most of it out, but searching things like newsletters, for material about Steve, Kay, Odiham, and their aircraft. Mostly with us in the picture :-)
Working from the oldest,
Here is stuff from our
Christmas 2004 Newsletter
Then below, is that 2004 visit to see their aircraft, at their home with farm near RAF Odiham.
Guys were flying in, so they did not want uninvited visitors ;-)
That's our friends and neighbours.
From left to right that's Robin, Steve, Jill & Terry King, Kay, Angela & Stuart Wicks :-)
From Robin's
Hobby page:
Aerial recce in the 1980s, with a R/C model aircraft, near RAF Odiham - home to the Chinook Helicopters. Home to Recce Spitfires in World War II.
Not all visits are seen, and some browsers hide location, but you may find
Revolvermaps livestats for this page
The video on the right shows several guys visiting at the same time, after I posted the link on the
forum :-)
There have been
dinner with the Lovelocks - shared with old friends Kay and Steve - captured by Kristina.
Yes, we wear those silly hats all the time - especially at Christmas :-)
This below is from our
2016 Christmas Newsletter
: that "secret location" was Steve & Kay's farm, with an air strip. Guys were flying in, so they did not want crowds ;-)
In August we attended a private party, at a secret location near an operational RAF airbase.
We all went suitably attired: Robin, not wanting to be out-ranked, went as SACEUR, a four star American General.
The women went dressed in 1940s style such as "land girls". All proceeds went to the RAF Benevolent Fund.
Our hosts, for security reasons, shall simply be referred to here as "Steve and Kay". Thanks Guys :-)
Robin's youtube videos are on
or, if that fails,
Who has visited this page ? BUT Revolvermaps service stopped
From Robin: It's very convenient for me, that there are so few visitors to this page: just those given the link.
See map and words near end of my
page ;-)
The visit counters may give a rough indication on who else is visiting, or has visited, this page.
I don't hide or disguise my visits, but they may appear as "Ascot", or miles away, like "Camberley, England" (on my Study PC),
or "Redhill, England" ( on the Lounge PC).
Positions may not be accurate, but times are.
These may change at any time, without control by me. e.g. if we have a power cut, or I reboot a router.
So, you may see if I'm "working" in the Study, or "playing" in Lounge :-)
visits to this page counted by
since 7th December 2024.