22 Armitage Court, Sunninghill, Ascot, Berks SL5 9TA.
Tel/Fax 01344 620775
Our Ref: DATAPRO1.RTF 23rd May 2003

www.NHSCare.info (public information to all)
www.NHSCare.info/EvelynLovelock (now public)

The Information Commissioner's Office,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
Copies to:
"Eve Lovelock's Care" File, Web sites, Others as required.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Subject: www.NHSCare.info and The Data Protection Act

I spoke to Jonathan Grey of your office last Wednesday and he kindly suggested that I write you this letter to seek your advice on The Data Protection Act. I enclose two letters:

I suggest you begin by reading NHSOMB2 to appreciate the scope and importance of this subject, which is of major national importance. I would like your advice on two questions:

I also enclose a printout of the overview on www.nhscare.info/overview.htm as an aid to you understanding the full extent of this "£10 billion fraud" which last achieved media attention when the Ombudsman's Report was released, just before the Iraq War. We expect more publicity soon, including attempts by NHS/Social Services to hide or falsify medical records. NHSCare.info is the unique mouthpiece of our campaign, and we make every effort to ensure that its content is both lawful and ethical.

Please do not hesitate to 'phone me if you need further information, noting that we will be in Italy on holiday from 29th May until 15th June. My mobile number is 07736 353404.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours Faithfully,

Robin Lovelock

(son of Evelyn Lovelock and executor of her estate)